Sunday, January 31, 2010

How It All Started...

As a self proclaimed carbohydrate lover, I was heart broken the day my cave man told me he was going Paleo. I love carbs. I love cooking. However, I also love my caveman, so I had to find a way to make it work. While I think he and his "elite" friends are a bit ridiculous, I love that they are committed to fitness...and I always enjoy a cooking challenge. I live in a second floor apartment, work outside the home, have two domesticated wolves, and I don't wait around all day for my caveman to bring home the latest kill. In fact, every Sunday, I do all the grocery shopping and I bring home the "kill." But, with lots of imagination and some recipe intervention, I have managed to create some delightful concoctions to share with all the other cave girls in the world. Enjoy the recipes and may we all make it thorough the Paleo revolution.


Unknown said...

This is interesting! And I love that the first posted recipe of a health nut's girlfriend is for sweet dessert balls. Perhaps I will try them, but do you not get that salty bite from the protein powder?

phillip said...

His "elite friends"...lmfao. Look forward to seeing some of your recipes.

Cave Girl said...

If you use salted almonds, yes, you would get a salty bite. But since salt apparently did not exist in caveman days, I used unsalted. The cranberries make them sweet and delicious.And, while the protein power adds that extra health kick, you don't even notice it. They are so delicious, the cave man is taking a batch to distribute to his cave fellows at school tomorrow.

Allison said...

My hairdresser shared the Paleo diet book with me on Friday. However, I like dairy and will continue to eat diary, salt and carbs. but I do believe we all should eat more fruits and veggies! I tried an all-natural diet for a while, but it was too hard to follow. Nothing canned or artificial allowed, per my allergist.

phillip said...

Yours is better. Mike gave me one at lunch. Unbelievable that these aren't SUPER bad for you. Score one for the cave girl eh?

Melissa said...

I love that you started a blog about this! I'm doing one too. I can't wait to try out some of your recipes!